Doing Our Part for the Environment!

many pieces of plastic water bottles no labels white cap

Hello, and welcome to our first blog post!

Our customers often ask us how we got into the copper water bottle business. Well, we’ve always thought that our lovely planet doesn’t need another plastic bottle, and, when we discovered the incredible health benefits of drinking from a copper water bottle, we were inspired to create Copper H2O!

Copper H2O hammered copper water bottle placed on an open magazine beside plant

Did you know that on average only 1 in 5 plastic bottles are recycled, and plastic bottles take between 400 and 1000 years to decompose? And did you know that it also requires three times as much water to produce a plastic bottle as it does to fill it?

We work hard to make sure that our copper water bottles are built to last. This may be the last water bottle you ever own! And all of our bottles are handcrafted using traditional, environmentally friendly methods.

At the end of the day, our hope is that customers will fall in love with their gleaming copper water bottle and use them instead of disposable bottles. That’s how we hope to do our part for the environment!

Wishing you all a great week!

About the Authors: This article was collaboratively written by our team of researchers and writers with the benefit of all available scientific studies and other relevant literature. Our team of researchers and writers include experienced health researchers including a qualified medical professional. Please note that information in this article is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.

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1 comment

Dec 28, 2019 • Posted by Alisha

Shipped very fast. I look forward to the benefits of my new copperH20. I did some research and decided to purchase bc I was drinking close to a gallon of water a day. No more plastic. Yay!

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